Happy 2016!
I can't believe we are already half way through the first month of 2016! Does time seem to be flying for anyone else besides me? Well, I hope you are having a wonderful start to the New Year and are keeping up with your resolutions and goals for 2016. I'm not a resolution maker, but I do like to mentally set some goals.
Almost always on the top of my list, is a recommitment to healthy living. I don't know about you, but the holidays always seem to give me "permission" to eat badly. We also spent 3 weeks in Florida between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and vacations are another time when healthy living seems to go out the window. One of the hardest things for me right now is that I'm giving up caffeine (thanks heart palpitations!). This time around, giving up caffeine has been so hard! I'm in a fog most mornings until lunch and I SO want to go over to my friend the coffee maker and brew a pot. Ahh well... This too shall pass.
What resolutions or goals have you made this year? Anyone else on the Get Healthy bandwagon? Comment below with what struggles or success you have had so far. We'd love to celebrate with you or encourage you in your goals.
Until next time,
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